Cities remove racist monuments before protesters can topple them Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:11 PM PDT As the protests following the death of George Floyd in some cities have turned to targeting racist iconography, officials are trying to preempt them.
Welcome Home, Hong Kong Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:30 AM PDT London doesn't have the power to push the corrupt little junta in Beijing into being halfway decent to the people of Hong Kong, but Boris Johnson has a bold solution for almost half of those people: Come to the United Kingdom.Hong Kong is a former British territory, and about 3 million of its 7.5 million residents hold or are eligible for a limited kind of British passport (the "British national overseas" passport issued to those born in Hong Kong before the territory was relinquished to China in 1997) that entitles them to travel to the United Kingdom but not to permanently reside or work there. As Beijing prepares to implement in Hong Kong a robust version of the totalitarianism it practices everywhere else in China — in contravention of its agreement with the British requiring the Chinese government to honor Hong Kong's liberty and democracy — Johnson says that his government, bound by "our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong," will allow all of those 3 million Hong Kongers the option of coming to the United Kingdom with the British version of a green card (renewable legal residency and permission to work) and a path to full citizenship for those who desire it.This is an almost heroic proposal. It is also a smart one.The United Kingdom is an astonishingly inventive and productive nation, and it punches above its weight both economically and, especially, culturally. But Hong Kong has long practiced a kind of supercharged version of British economic liberalism, and its people are even more productive than the British, with a GDP per capita about 15 percent higher than the United Kingdom's. You don't have a rich, smart, productive country without rich, smart, productive people, and Johnson is proposing to roll out the red carpet for 3 million of them.Because of Brexit, Johnson often is numbered among the recently ascendant right-wing populists, but while his European counterparts (and, unhappily, many of his American counterparts) rail against immigration and immigrants, Johnson's government would welcome a new group of immigrants who would by themselves equal about 4.5 percent of the current U.K. population.During the Cold War, defectors from the Eastern bloc were symbols of the fundamental difference between the free world and the unfree world, and people of good will cheered when some daring person successfully made it over the Berlin Wall. But the men and women fleeing the brutality of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany could do so only because there was a West Berlin for them to run to. Boris Johnson proposes that the United Kingdom play that role for the people of Hong Kong who are being oppressed by a government that in too many ways practices an updated version of socialism as it actually existed only a few decades ago, as opposed to the socialism of 10,000 dorm-room philosophers.Beijing is infuriated. The Chinese government accuses the United Kingdom of "interfering in China's internal affairs." But Beijing is bound by the Sino–British Joint Declaration regarding the liberty of Hong Kong, so the U.K. is not crashing the party. Johnson's government does not have the force to change Beijing's internal affairs, but it does have the power to make 3 million Hong Kong residents external affairs.Washington does, too. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) the Senate majority leader, already has suggested that the United States implement something like what Johnson's government is doing. "Our nation has a rich heritage of standing as a beacon of light and freedom, from refugees of war to those escaping the Iron Curtain," McConnell said. "We should exercise it again for the people of Hong Kong."Some of our neo-Malthusian friends will insist that there is no room in the United States for these immigrants, that we are all full up, that there aren't enough jobs to go around as it is. But consider this: In the 1940s, Hong Kong was one of the poorest places in the world, hungry, depopulated, and war-ravaged. With very little in the way of natural resources, and starting without a great deal of modern infrastructure, Hong Kong grew to become the wealthiest city in the world. If Hong Kong were an independent country (and why not? It works for Singapore), it would be one of the world's wealthiest, a little ahead of the United States and just a step behind Switzerland. The people of Hong Kong did that with very little other than liberty, the rule of law, and a reasonably good location as a port. Why shouldn't those people thrive in the United States, with its abundant blessings? They can expect to thrive in the United Kingdom.The loss of liberty in Hong Kong is a jolting, unwelcome reminder that history does not move in one direction only, toward progress and human flourishing. Perhaps the city cannot be saved, for now. But the British proposal is both an act of practical aid and a splendid gesture. For the moment, it may be that the best that can be done is for the free world to declare that the people of Hong Kong live where freedom lives.Welcome home.
At least 39 injured in knife attack at China kindergarten Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:31 PM PDT |
In 1985, A Nuclear Submarine Explosion Contaminated Russia's Far East Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:30 PM PDT The accident scene was heavily contaminated with radioactivity.
In aftermath of George Floyd's death, San Diego police will 'immediately' end use of carotid restraint Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT The San Diego Police Department, spurred by the outrage after George Floyd's death, has immediately banned a controversial neck restraint.
They wanted to protest peacefully. Police responded with force. On the ground in Minneapolis. Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT "We cannot back down now. We have come way too far. We are literally in the midst of history."
Amy Cooper: Central Park dog walker who called police on black man has pet returned Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:01 PM PDT Amy Cooper has got her dog back 10 days after she gave it up following a public outcry over her calling the police on a black man in Central Park.In a video of the 25 May incident, Cooper claimed in a phone call to police that bird watcher Christian Cooper was threatening her life - after he'd asked her to place a leash on her dog.
As protests rock cities, Rand Paul holds up passage of anti-lynching bill Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:31 PM PDT Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is holding up passage of an anti-lynching bill with broad bipartisan support — the latest delay in an effort to pass a federal law against lynching that goes back over a century.
Counties in Florida, Iowa worry CDC as emerging coronavirus 'areas of concern' Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:54 AM PDT A document created by the CDC and reviewed by Yahoo News lists nine counties and one city with rising infection levels, many in states that have eased lockdown restrictions.
New York police take seconds to restore reputation for brutality Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT Driving vehicles into protesters demanding justice for George Floyd earned the backing of the mayor, but of few others * George Floyd killing – latest US updates * See all our George Floyd coverageIt doesn't take long to blow up a reputation. In the case of the New York police department, an institution with an already troubled history, the clip lasted all of 27 seconds.It showed an NYPD vehicle in Brooklyn lined up against a metal barricade behind which protesters were chanting during Saturday's demonstrations over the police killing of George Floyd. Projectiles were thrown on to the roof of the car, then suddenly a second police SUV drew up alongside and instead of stopping continued to plough straight into the crowd.Seconds later the first vehicle lurched forward, knocking the barrier over and with it propelling several protesters to the ground amid a harrowing chorus of shrieking.A 27-second video, now viewed more than 30m times, had quickly shredded years of effort to repair the deeply tarnished image of the NYPD. New York's "finest" were firmly cast in a role normally reserved for the security corps of petty dictators.The shocking video was compounded hours later when the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, spoke about the incident. A politician who won election in 2013 largely on a promise to reform the NYPD and scrap its racially discriminatory stop-and-frisk policy, astounded even his closest supporters when he defended the police.De Blasio said: "I do believe the NYPD has acted appropriately."Social media lit up. Was it appropriate to drive those two SUVs into the crowd? Was it appropriate for an NYPD officer forcibly to remove the coronavirus mask of a black protester whose arms were raised in the air, then pepper-spray his face?Was it appropriate for another officer to tell a protester to get off the street, then physically shove her several feet towards the curb where she landed on her head? Or that the police officers involved in the pepper spray incident had covered their badge numbers, presumably to avoid having to answer for their actions. Or to beat a nurse walking home from a shift at a hospital?The clashes between New York's police and its protesters have reverberated around the city. The largest police force in the US, with its $5.6bn annual budget and 36,000 uniformed officers under the leadership of one of the most progressive mayors in the country, has responded to demonstrations about police brutality with more police brutality.The Black, Latino and Asian Caucus of the city council, which makes up more than half of the legislative body, was swift and devastating in its criticism. In a statement, it said that the NYPD had acted "with aggression towards New Yorkers who vigorously and vociferously but nonetheless peacefully advocated for justice".Adrienne Adams, co-chair of the caucus, told the Guardian the NYPD had tried to suppress legitimate anger felt by African American and other minority communities following years of police abuse. "We cannot allow people who have kept people of color down for decades to say now that we don't have the right to display our outrage," she said.Though that sentiment applies nationwide, Adams believes New York stands out as having a "horrible history of police brutality". It was the NYPD that set the tone, she said, when Daniel Pantaleo, the officer implicated in the 2014 death by chokehold of Eric Garner in Staten Island, avoided prosecution."When nothing happened to the police officers who were responsible for the death of Eric Garner, New York set the blueprint for what happened to George Floyd," she said. "There's no penalty, no consequence, so it's OK."Adams's framing of the Garner killing could equally be applied to a long string of notorious episodes of police misconduct that preceded it. In 1997, Haitian immigrant Abner Louima was handcuffed by an NYPD officer and sexually assaulted with a broken broomstick.Two years later, Amadou Diallo was shot near his home in a hail of 41 bullets after officers mistook his wallet for a gun. In an echo of that event, an unarmed Sean Bell was shot 50 times in Queens on the morning of his wedding in 2006 – it took six years for the NYPD detective who opened the fusillade to be chucked off the force while nobody has ever been convicted of any crime.In the policing of protest, the NYPD also has a contentious track record. In 2004 it rounded up more than 1,800 peaceful protesters rallying outside the Republican National Convention during the re-election bid of George W Bush and herded them into overcrowded pens on Pier 57 in Manhattan. In 2011 it was similarly criticized for heavy-handed tactics during the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.Cutting across all this, the force has consistently targeted its efforts on neighborhoods of the city with majority black or Latino populations, straying at times into overt racial profiling. Though stop and frisk has been reined back in recent years, the NYPD continues to heavily and disproportionately police those communities despite a historically low homicide rate.Despite this long legacy of overreach, the force continues to be systemically resistant to public oversight. Under Section 50-A of New York state law, the disciplinary files of police officers are largely held in secret, making the task of holding them accountable almost impossible.Jennvine Wong, a staff attorney at the Cop Accountability Project (CAP) within the Legal Aid Society, told the Guardian that there were currently more than 200 police officers still being employed by the NYPD on full pay who should have been considered for termination following reports of misconduct.Data collected by CAP shows that where cases of misconduct arise they often involve escalation of low-level encounters into aggressive confrontations – something officers are supposed to be trained not to do. The project is currently litigating the case of Tomas Medina who was put in a chokehold and Tasered in 2018 after police were called to a complaint about loud music being played.Eric Garner's fatal arrest was triggered by him allegedly selling single cigarettes.Although the use of chokeholds has been banned in New York, the project has found that between 2015 and 2018 the city settled 30 lawsuits involving NYPD use of the potentially lethal maneuver.Wong believes such endemic deployment of excessive force has spilled over into the NYPD's handling of the George Floyd protests. She was present at a peaceful protest in Brooklyn that suddenly turned volatile not because of the behavior of protesters but by a sudden change of tack on the part of the police."In a split second, the NYPD snapped and engaged in over-aggressive enforcement. They escalated it from 0 to 10 out of nowhere, arresting people and wielding their batons."If there has been unrestrained use of batons in the city, it would be with the full approval of Ed Mullins, the provocative president of one of the main police unions, the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA). He wrote to members urging "each and every one of you to report for duty with your helmet and baton and do not hesitate to utilize that equipment in securing your personal safety".The sister Police Benevolent Association of New York City has also spoken to its members in inflammatory terms about them being "under attack by violent, organized terrorists while New York City council and other politicians sit at home demanding we 'de-escalate'".There is no denying that the NYPD faces difficult challenges in the policing of mass protests, especially late at night when violent outbreaks have erupted as they did on Monday in Manhattan and the Bronx. Fires were started in the street and stores looted.For Eugene O'Donnell, a former NYPD officer and prosecutor in Brooklyn and Queens who is now a professor of police studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Monday night's spectacle of looting along Fifth Avenue amounted to a collapse of policing in the city."This weekend, the job of police officer in New York became officially impossible when the police abolitionists won. They have created a model of zero tolerance towards force being used and any injuries being inflicted, and that's absurd."O'Donnell said the same pattern is repeating itself across America. "In city after city, the police were abolished this weekend. They stood back and watched as damage was inflicted that was irreversible."
US says Alaska man laundered nearly $1B for Iran through UAE Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:09 AM PDT |
Airlines to drop service to 75 domestic airports Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT Fifteen U.S. airlines were granted final government approval on Wednesday to temporarily halt service to 75 domestic airports as travel demand has been crushed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
10 Years Ago Today, SpaceX's Falcon 9 Blasted Off for the First Time Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT |
I'm a doctor in Minneapolis treating coronavirus patients. Until racism is abolished, it will always be a greater threat to justice than this virus. Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:45 AM PDT "Yes, wear a mask. Yes, wash your hands. Yes, do your best to maintain distance. And yes, absolutely yes, join your allies to abolish injustice."
Powerful video from 1986 resurfaces showing Biden’s passionate speech against apartheid Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT A powerful video of then-Senator Joe Biden speaking about apartheid South Africa has resurfaced.The clip, taken from C-Span coverage of a Senate committee in 1986, shows Mr Biden passionately speaking out in support of the majority black population of South Africa, and against the oppressive apartheid regime.
Cars Most Likely to Need a Transmission Replacement Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:33 AM PDT Drivers naturally become concerned about reliability as a car ages, since the risk of inconvenience and unexpected expenses rises while the miles rack up. Most modern cars can make it to 200,000 ...
Exclusive: Former police officer accused of killing George Floyd gets new lawyer Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:06 AM PDT The ex-officer, Derek Chauvin, is now being defended by Eric Nelson of the Halberg Criminal Defense firm, according to Marsh Halberg, the firm's chief executive. Chauvin's legal representation is being provided by the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association (MPPOA) which draws from a panel of about a dozen attorneys, which includes both Nelson and the lawyer he replaced, Tom Kelly of Kelly & Jacobson.
Magnitude 5.5 quake hits shaky California desert region Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:54 PM PDT |
U.K. PM tells China that Britain will admit 3 Million from Hong Kong Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT "Many people in Hong Kong fear that their way of life — which China pledged to uphold — is under threat," Johnson said.
Robert E Lee statue: Virginia governor announces removal of monument Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT Virginia's governor says the monument to the Confederate general will be taken down in Richmond.
I helped create the worst photo-op ever. Thanks to Trump, now it's only second worst. Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT The St. John's photo-op wasn't just odd and uncomfortable. It was built on violations of the Constitution, the law, simple decency and common sense.
Protests in Minneapolis turned violent: Officials first blamed outsiders, but that’s not what arrests show Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:39 PM PDT Minnesota officials originally said outside agitators, not local residents, were responsible for the violence and riots. Arrest data shows otherwise.
Brazil, Mexico suffer record daily rise in coronavirus deaths Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:35 AM PDT Brazil and Mexico suffered a record rise in daily coronavirus deaths amid fears Latin America is reopening too soon. On Wednesday, Mexico reported a daily death toll that exceeded 1,000 for the first time since the outbreak began, while Brazil announced 1,349 deaths for the day, a record for the country. Both nations now rank in the top ten countries that have suffered the highest number of fatalities, but there is grave concern that, unlike their European counterparts, Latin nations have yet to reach the peak of the epidemic. Countries in Europe are beginning to emerge from their lockdowns, with borders reopening and people returning to work. But in South America, new hotspots are emerging and hospitals are threatened to be overwhelmed.
Lewis Hamilton ‘completely overcome with rage’ as he says black people ‘should not have to feel as if they were born guilty’ Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:42 PM PDT Lewis Hamilton has explained the feeling behind his passionate outburst over Formula One's silence against racism, with the reigning world champion saying that he has been "completely overcome with rage" at the sight of George Floyd's death in the United States and saying that people of Black, Asian and mixed ethnicity backgrounds should "not feel as though we were born guilty".The six-time F1 world champion has taken a vocal stance against racism, having previously spoken of the sport's white-male dominated industry given he is the only black driver to have competed, and this week he has broadened his outrage over racial inequality following the disturbing death of African-American Floyd.
Minneapolis Police union president said he has been involved in three shootings, 'and not one of them has bothered' him Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:07 PM PDT Lt. Bob Kroll said in an April interview that he and the majority of Minneapolis Police Officers' Federation's board have been involved in police shootings.
Britain says nearly 30,000 COVID-19 tests sent to U.S. lab came back void Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:33 AM PDT Nearly 30,000 COVID-19 tests which Britain sent to a U.S. lab for processing came back void, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's spokesman said on Thursday, adding to a mounting pile of questions over the UK's testing regime. Johnson's spokesman said that "operational issues in our lab network" had meant that 67,000 tests were sent to the United States for processing.
Boris Johnson told Italy's prime minister the UK had been aiming for coronavirus herd immunity, new documentary reveals Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:10 AM PDT Italian health minister Pierpaolo Sileri said Johnson's early COVID-19 plan was pursuing herd immunity in an interview with Channel 4's Dispatches.
New U.S. ban on Chinese airlines hurts Chinese students who were already struggling to get home Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT The DOT has now banned Chinese airlines from the U.S., an added burden for Chinese students already stuck here because of their own government's policies.
Trump says national guard ‘cut through’ protests ‘like butter’ Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:16 AM PDT 
Peaceful protesters marched through the streets of Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, continuing to demonstrate against police brutality toward people of color. They did so in the face of a threat from the White House to send the military to quell unrest after some demonstrations devolved into looting. And similar scenes nationwide: In Oakland, protesters drummed and burned the Republican president in effigy. Marchers in Boston chanted "no justice, no peace." Their message echoed in the streets of Detroit, Portland, Oregon, Fort Worth and Memphis. Even the sandy beaches of Encinitas saw surfers riding the waves for the cause. "This is what it's about, Black Lives Matter. No justice, no peace. And they're demonstrating peacefully. Very peacefully." On Wednesday, prosecutors elevated the charges Derek Chauvin, the now-fired police officer whose involvement with George Floyd's death galvanized the protests. He is now charged with second-degree murder. Three other former officers are also accused of abetting the murder. Meanwhile, criticisms that President Donald Trump is exacerbating tensions are mounting. "Right now I think the nation needs law and order." In an interview with the conservative television channel Newsmax, conducted by Trump's one-time press secretary on Wednesday, the president said his support for using the National Guard in Minneapolis worked to tamp down looting in that city, and that it could be done elsewhere. "Once they came in it was like a knife cutting butter. It was so easy. But we have other cities, they like to hold out. New York, is a disaster what's going on in New York. [FLASH] If they don't get it straightened out soon, I'll take care of it." As night fell in New York, a day of peaceful protests turned ugly. Protesters in Brooklyn defying a curfew said they were rushed by cops. Activists similarly defied curfews in Detroit, Washington and Oakland Wednesday night.
Fox News Corners White House Spokesman: How Does Trump Unite Anyone by Attacking Mattis? Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:52 AM PDT Fox News anchor Ed Henry cornered White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley into a trap of his own making on Thursday when the veteran host repeatedly grilled the flack on President Donald Trump's attacks on his former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis.Mattis, who resigned in late 2018 over Trump's Syria policy, issued a strong rebuke on Wednesday of the president's "bizarre photo op" at St. John's Episcopal Church, calling it "an abuse of executive authority" and an example of Trump's "deliberate effort" to divide Americans. The president, meanwhile, responded by falsely claiming he fired Mattis, calling him "the most overrated general."During an interview on America's Newsroom, Gidley was asked to weigh in on the "war of words" between Trump and his former cabinet official. The Trump flack claimed the former U.S. Central Command leader had his "head in the sand" over the massive protests amid George Floyd's death.And after Gidley declared that Mattis has a "fundamental misunderstanding" of the moment, Henry pushed back."When General Mattis says he's not even pretending to try to unite people, aren't you making his point?" Henry wondered aloud. "When he says that, rather than inviting him and saying, 'What do you mean? Let's bring people together,' you are attacking this retired general. Isn't that making the point that you are not uniting people?""No, the division is on the other side," Gidley retorted before reading off some lines from a recent Trump speech. "But the president is calling him the most overrated general," the Fox anchor interjected. "He's the former defense secretary for this president. That's uniting people, calling him the 'most overrated'?"The deputy press secretary, meanwhile, continued to take the Trumpian tack of insulting the president's ex-official."It's obvious that the general doesn't have a clue what's going on in the American cities out there, or actually worse, has turned a blind eye to it," Gidley exclaimed. "The president is solely focused on uniting this country and bringing back safety and security in our American cities.""This country is the greatest country, the greatest idea ever realized and the president wants to protect that at every cost," he continued. "He's doing that. But he also works as the healer-in-chief. He's done that time and time again, bringing people together."LeBron James Calls Out Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Over Drew Brees HypocrisyRead more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
Prince Charles on missing grandchildren and Prince Philip: 'You really want to give people a hug' Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:31 AM PDT The Prince of Wales has spoken of missing his family "terribly" in lockdown, saying he has not seen his father the Duke of Edinburgh for a "long time" and wanted to give people a hug. The Prince, who is at Birkhall in Scotland, lamented that his father would celebrate his 99th birthday without him next week, saying how "terribly sad" it is to be away from family and friends. Saying he has been "doing the Facetime", the Prince told he has been missing grandchildren Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, and Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, who is in Los Angeles. The prince has been staying at Birkhall since contracting a mild version of Covid-19 in March. He spent two weeks in isolation, separate from the Duchess of Cornwall, and has since been working from home. Interviewed via video call by Sky News for the After The Pandemic series, the Prince was asked about being apart from his family.
Prosecutors: 3 men plotted to terrorize Vegas protests Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:25 PM PDT Three Nevada men with ties to a loose movement of right-wing extremists advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government have been arrested on terrorism-related charges in what authorities say was a conspiracy to spark violence during recent protests in Las Vegas. Federal prosecutors say the three white men with U.S. military experience are accused of conspiring to carry out a plan that began in April in conjunction with protests to reopen businesses closed because of the coronavirus. More recently, they sought to capitalize on protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in Minneapolis after a white officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes even after he stopped moving and pleading for air, prosecutors said.
Argentina extends lockdown in Buenos Aires as coronavirus cases surpass 20,000 Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:58 PM PDT Argentina extended on Thursday a mandatory lockdown in Buenos Aires, the capital, and some other parts of the country until June 28, as confirmed coronavirus cases continue to rise, surpassing 20,000 earlier in the day. The three-week extension of the lockdown, which had been due to expire June 7, will impact the capital city, the province of Buenos Aires and some other areas that account for the highest concentration of confirmed infections, President Alberto Fernandez said during a press conference. The next phase will include new permissions, including outdoor exercise during certain hours in the city of Buenos Aires, which has the highest concentration of cases, officials said.
Amazon drops $2 coronavirus pay rise for warehouse workers as CEO Jeff Bezos' fortune nears $150 billion Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:45 AM PDT Amazon has now phased out two major policies brought in to protect workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
Tropical Storm Cristobal takes aim at U.S. Gulf Coast Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT The storm could bring heavy rain to Louisiana and its neighbors this weekend.
Your coronavirus need-to-know: Philly mayor tells residents to stop flushing face masks; Fauci talks schools reopening Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:36 AM PDT We are bringing you the top headlines on COVID-19 from the US and around the world.
Esper, on thin ice with the White House, reverses decision on troop deployments Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:25 AM PDT The Pentagon chief irritated the president when he complained about deploying active-duty soldiers.
Trump tried to vote with wrong address while railing against voter fraud Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT Records reviewed by the Post found the president had to resubmit his application, despite railing against the vote by mail processDonald Trump has been railing against vote by mail for the past few months – falsely citing the potential for voter fraud, which is extremely rare. As it turns out, the president himself bungled the system.Trump registered to vote in Florida last September under his White House address – 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, according to the Washington Post. But Florida does not allow people to register to vote without an in-state address, and one month later, Trump resubmitted his application with a Florida address and voted in the Republican primary.On his registration form, Trump told Florida officials his legal residence was in Washington DC but on another day also said he was a "bona fide resident" of Palm Beach, Florida, home to his Mar-a-Lago Club, according to the public records reviewed by the Post.Other voters have faced significant consequences for the same mistake. In fact, as some Democrats pointed out, the same issue is listed on White House website as voter fraud.> Beyond Trump's dangerous, dishonest claims of widespread voter fraud, it's really rich because the WH website uses the case of someone trying to vote at their second home as an example of voter fraud!> > — American Bridge (@American_Bridge) June 3, 2020A city manager in Florida paid $5,000 in fines for putting the wrong address on her registration, as did a restaurateur in Palm Beach county. Florida Republicans also challenged state Democrats in 2018 in a vote-by-mail investigation, but the state found there was no fraud. Florida also tossed out thousands of mail-in ballots for supposedly having signatures that did not match original registration forms.Meanwhile, Democrats and some Republicans have called on states to ease vote-by-mail restrictions amid the pandemic. Tuesday's primary election showed people waiting in line for hours in cities such as Washington DC, some of whom had not received absentee ballots in time.If this happens in November, election officials fear the public could be at risk for contracting Covid-19, as some did in Florida and Wisconsin during elections earlier this year.
No charges by St. Louis Circuit Attorney have people arrested for looting back on the streets Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:42 PM PDT Arrests made during the looting and rioting in St. Louis City Monday night and into Tuesday morning have resulted in no charges from St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.
Man accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery allegedly used racial slur after shooting Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:05 PM PDT Suspects Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael, and William "Roddie" Bryan were bound over for trial.
U.S Army Set to Conduct Iron Dome Tests Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:00 AM PDT While other older weapons were also designed without such joint capabilities, technology and warfare have advanced and so, too, has the need to develop solutions to provide commanders the flexibility and overmatch they may require and this has given rise to integration as the central principle of weapon system development.
70% of people infected with the coronavirus did not pass it to anyone, preliminary research shows. Superspreading events account for most transmission. Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:37 PM PDT A new study showed that just 20% of coronavirus cases account for 80% of transmission. Superspreading plays a key role in the growth of outbreaks.