
Yahoo! News: Education News


Yahoo! News: Education News

Teachers explain why they’re ditching iPads for ‘much more useful’ Chromebooks

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 12:25 PM PDT

Teachers explain why they're ditching iPads for 'much more useful' ChromebooksAs popular as the iPad has been for end consumers, schools have also been a major part of the tablet's success. Ever since Apple launched the iPad in 2010, schools all over the country have experimented with placing them in classrooms or giving them to students to bring home with them. The Atlantic reports that although many institutions were initially satisfied with the results, many are now beginning to see the potential upshot of affordable laptops over expensive tablets. According to Joseph Morris, director of market intelligence at the Center for Digital Education, American K-12 schools are expected to spend nearly $10 billion on technology in 2014 and about a third of that will go directly to computer hardware. Schools have a very difficult and

Michelle Obama To Teen Girls: You Have To Go To College

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 10:02 AM PDT

Michelle Obama took a break this week from her campaign to rid the nation's schools of cupcakes to urge American girls to go to college. "Whatever you do, I urge you to take your education seriously," she wrote in an open letter published Wednesday morning by Seventeen, "because no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you will need a high school diploma and some higher education, like a two-year or four-year college degree or a professional certificate."

How Marriage Law Ruling Affects Financial Aid Options

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 07:00 AM PDT

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that part of the federal law against gay marriage, the Defense of Marriage Act, was unconstitutional. This section had prohibited all federal agencies, including the Department of Education, from recognizing same-sex marriages for the purpose of federal programs, including financial aid programs. This ruling resulted in significant changes to eligibility for both federal student aid and certain student loan repayment options. Here are five things all families, regardless of current marriage status, need to know about changes to the financial aid process in the wake of the ruling.

College President Takes a Pay Cut to Give Low-Wage Campus Workers Raise

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 04:03 PM PDT

A minor but interesting shift took place this month when two dozen of the lowest-paid Kentucky State University workers got a hefty wage increase because their college president gave up $90,000 of his own six-digit salary so others could earn a living wage. Raymond Burse, interim president of the school, will now receive a reduced annual salary of $259,744 so low-wage workers can get a pay bump to $10.25 an hour. By comparison, food servers were paid an average of $24,213 in the 2013–2014 school year, according to a survey published by the Chronicle of Higher Education.