
Yahoo! News: Education News


Yahoo! News: Education News

What Were Naomi Schaefer Riley's Editors Thinking?


What Were Naomi Schaefer Riley's Editors Thinking?By no means do we agree with Naomi Schaefer Riley's assertions about black studies. But today we do find ourselves in a weird position of actually being sort of on the same page as Schaefer Riley, at least when it comes to questions about her editors. Sure, there's the basic question of why The Chronicle of Higher Education allowed her work to go up on the site (which they haven't taken down). But considering her body of work, why was it these particular posts that caused her firing? 

California Schools Warn of Grim Future for Students


California's public schools released a report that shows an increase in stress levels even as they must reduce staff levels. The state's university system, too, revealed that continued funding cuts are damaging the Golden State's ability to provide an affordable higher education to its students.