Marine testifies Navy SEAL did not stab Iraq captive Posted: 27 Jun 2019 03:35 PM PDT A Marine who worked jointly in Iraq with a decorated Navy SEAL accused of murder testified Thursday that the SEAL did not stab a teenage Islamic State prisoner in his care. Marine Staff Sergeant Georgio Kirylo said that he did not see stab wounds on the neck of the dead captive when he moved the body to position it for a so-called "trophy" photo. Kirylo took the stand in the San Diego court-martial of SEAL Chief Edward Gallagher, who is accused of fatally stabbing the adolescent militant in 2017.
"First Cut of Steel": The Navy's New Ballistic Missile Submarine Is Coming Soon Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:21 AM PDT Using first-of-its-kind digital modeling techniques, and advanced training, the Navy has been making rapid progress staying ahead of the original construction schedule. The ship specs are 100-percent complete, the arrangements are 97.5 percent complete and the ship disclosures are already 43-percent complete.Almost nobody knows where they are at any given time, yet nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines quietly patrol dark domains of the undersea realm in strategically vital waters around the globe, bringing the prospect of unprecedented destruction upon potential enemies -- all as a way to keep peace.It would not be an exaggeration to call the first "cut of steel" for the lead ship in a class of new nuclear-armed Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines an historic ocassion, as the boat is intended to usher in a new era in firepower-reliant strategic deterrence.A "cut-of-steel" for advanced construction of the first boat took place at Newport News Shipbuilding June 17 -- three weeks early -- marking the formal beginning of a long and carefully labored process of building the most technically advanced ballistic missile submarine ever to exist.The submarine's mission is clear: ensure total destruction against anyone launching a first-strike nuclear attack upon the US."We have to have that first boat out on patrol no later than October, 2030. I can tell you today, we are planning to beat that," Capt. John Rucker, Columbia-class program manager, said at the Navy League's Sea Air Space symposium in May.Using first-of-its-kind digital modeling techniques, and advanced training, the Navy has been making rapid progress staying ahead of the original construction schedule. The ship specs are 100-percent complete, the arrangements are 97.5 percent complete and the ship disclosures are already 43-percent complete."The lead ship Virginia had about one percent of the ship done in advanced construction. We are doing 11-percent of advanced construction to get ahead of the curve. We are trying to de-risk this program to get ahead," Rucker explained.
Exclusive: Western intelligence hacked 'Russia's Google' Yandex to spy on accounts - sources Posted: 27 Jun 2019 11:19 AM PDT WASHINGTON/LONDON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Hackers working for Western intelligence agencies broke into Russian internet search company Yandex in late 2018 deploying a rare type of malware in an attempt to spy on user accounts, four people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters. The malware, called Regin, is known to be used by the "Five Eyes" intelligence-sharing alliance of the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, the sources said. Western cyberattacks against Russia are seldom acknowledged or spoken about in public.
Senate Passes $4.6 Billion Border-Funding Bill after Rejecting Pelosi’s Version Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:36 PM PDT The Senate on Wednesday passed a $4.6 billion spending package to alleviate the ongoing crisis at the southern border, just moments after rejecting a similar emergency-funding bill advanced by House Democrats that included restrictions on the funding of certain border-enforcement measures.Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who shepherded the more restrictive spending bill through the House on Tuesday, announced her caucus's opposition to the Senate bill before it was voted on, ensuring a contentious reconciliation process between the two chambers before a final bill can be sent to President Trump's desk."They pass their bill, we respect that," Pelosi said Wednesday. "We passed our bill, we hope they would respect that. And there are some improvements that we think can be reconciled."Republican lawmakers have emphasized the urgency of the border crisis in asking their Democratic colleagues to avoid a protracted reconciliation process by passing the Senate spending bill immediately, before lawmakers leave town for the one-week July 4 recess.Addressing his colleagues on the Senate floor before the vote on Wednesday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell emphasized the bipartisan support behind the upper chamber's spending bill, which ultimately passed 84–8."The House has not made much progress toward actually making a law, just more resistance theater," McConnell said. "The Senate has a better and more bipartisan way forward.""It's a productive compromise that would go a long way to begin to address the border crisis: no poison pills, just a clean bill," he added, referencing the restrictions placed on the use of funds in the House spending bill.The House bill, which fell 19 votes short of passage in the Senate, includes numerous humanitarian provisions related to the detention of migrants and restricts the amount of funding that can be allocated to enforcement mechanisms.The Senate bill, meanwhile, allocates $1.3 billion to improve the Border Patrol and HHS detention facilities, which have been overwhelmed by the 144,000 asylum-seekers that arrived at the border last month, as well as $2.9 billion to improve the medical care and supervision of migrant children, many of whom, according to multiple recent reports, have been deprived of basic hygiene products and proper beds due to lack of resources.House Democrats, particularly those in the progressive wing of the caucus, remain opposed to the Senate bill because they believe it does not do enough to ensure the humane treatment of migrants. Their bill would allow lawmakers to do unannounced checks of detention facilities, would mandate the provision of certain hygiene products, and would limit the amount of time children can be detained to just 90 days.
The 2020 Ford Super Duty Goes After the Ram Power Wagon with a Tremor Off-Road Package Posted: 27 Jun 2019 03:00 AM PDT This new option package adds a lift kit, meaty Goodyear off-road tires, and other bits of off-road equipment.
Authorities looking into missing student's dating apps Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:15 AM PDT Utah authorities are looking into a missing college student's dating appsafter she allegedly hopped into an unknown vehicle in North Salt Lake lastweek, according to the New York Post
Dramatic video captures moment teen saves toddler falling from second-floor window Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:57 AM PDT Feuzi Zabaat, 17, said he was walking down the street in Istanbul last week when he saw 2-year-old Doha Muhammed playing near the open window.
In rambling interview, Trump pronounces Biden 'a lost soul' Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:31 AM PDT Trump hurled a new insult at former Vice President Joe Biden Wednesday morning in a phone interview on Fox Business.
China Says Its Demands for a Trade Deal With the U.S. Haven't Changed Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:01 AM PDT (Bloomberg) -- There's no change to China's conditions for making a trade deal with the U.S. as the two nations' leaders prepare to meet this weekend, a government spokesman said."China's core concerns must be addressed properly," Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng said at a regular briefing in Beijing Thursday, when asked about the three demands laid out by Vice Premier Liu He in May.In order to reach an agreement the U.S. must remove all extra tariffs, set targets for Chinese purchases of goods in line with real demand and ensure that the text of the deal is "balanced" to ensure the "dignity" of both nations, according to Liu."We hope the U.S. side could drop its wrong practices, and we can solve the problems through equal dialogue and cooperation," Gao said.The trade teams are in contact to prepare for the meeting, and the respective negotiators had a good phone call earlier in the week, Gao said, without clarifying whether the trade teams will meet in Osaka before the leaders' encounter.Separately, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang also briefed reporters in Beijing on Thursday."The U.S.'s threat to add tariffs cannot scare us," Geng said. "The Chinese people refuse to be misled and will not be intimidated. So I would like to offer a piece of advice to the U.S. -- starting a trade war and adding tariffs harms itself and others."To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Miao Han in Beijing at;April Ma in Beijing at;James Mayger in Beijing at jmayger@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Jeffrey Black at, Sharon ChenFor more articles like this, please visit us at©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
Can't Afford That Shiny F-35? This Jet Fighter Might Be Able to Fight Your War Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:39 AM PDT From Chinese media claiming that Taiwan's F-16 fleet is "no match" for the J-11 to Russian media claiming that the S-400 will "send the F-35 to its grave," it has become a well-established tradition for defense outlets to speak up their nation's weapons while deriding those of rival powers.Defense commentary is, and always has been, notoriously difficult to disentangle from national politics.The urge to establish one's martial prowess over one's adversaries took many different forms in the pre-modern period, from references to fighting spirit and superior force of will to invocations of divine favor.(This first appeared earlier in June 2019.)But in the centuries following the tremendous technological progress of the industrial revolution, a new paradigm has taken hold: "the enemy will crumble before our superior military hardware."From Chinese media claiming that Taiwan's F-16 fleet is "no match" for the J-11 to Russian media claiming that the S-400 will "send the F-35 to its grave," it has become a well-established tradition for defense outlets to speak up their nation's weapons while deriding those of rival powers.So, when one of Russia's foremost defense outlets--Voennoe Obozrenie\--published a comparison piece between Su-30/Su-35 and Sweden's Gripen NG fighter by Russian defense writer Evgeny Damantsev, the expectation was clear. The reality, however, is as refreshing as it is surprising.Damantsev's iconoclastic intent is readily apparent from the article's headline: "Gripen-NG harmless for Su-30 and Su-35? Take off the rose-colored glasses!" The author is reacting to a recent statement by commander-in-chief of the Swedish Air Force, Major General Matts Helgesson, that the JAS-39E/F--also known as Gripen-NG--was "made to destroy" the Su-30SM and Su-35."Extremely unprofessional" and "self-aggrandizing" as Helgesson's comments are, Damantsev warns that it would be premature to dismiss them as pure bluster. He notes that his colleagues, guided by "patriotic sentiment" and made complacent by the Su-30/Su-35's superior numbers, hastily concluded that the latest Gripen variants "pose no real threat" to Russia's air force. This conclusion, however, relies on what is only a surface-level overview of Gripen-NG's specifications sheet. That is, it fails to consider how Gripen-NG's avionics, electronic countermeasures (ECM) and armaments are designed to work in tandem for the express purpose of countering Russia's current Sukhoi line.
SCOTUS Rules Gerrymandering Constitutional, Says Courts Have No Role in Deciding Partisanship Claims Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:16 AM PDT The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that state legislatures are entitled to draw congressional districts in such a way as to benefit one political party over another.Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the 5–4 conservative majority, argued that the founders understood that state legislatures would seek political advantage when drawing congressional districts, and suggested any efforts to halt the practice should not go through the courts."We conclude that partisan gerrymandering claims present political questions beyond the reach of the federal courts," the chief justice wrote. "Federal judges have no license to reallocate political power between the two major political parties, with no plausible grant of authority in the Constitution, and no legal standards to limit and direct their decisions."Writing in dissent, Justice Elena Kagan chastised her colleagues for their narrow understanding of the judiciary's role."For the first time ever, this court refuses to remedy a constitutional violation because it thinks the task beyond judicial capabilities," she wrote.The Court had before it one case out of Maryland, in which Democrats redrew the sixth congressional district in a way that advantaged their party in 2011, and another out of North Carolina, where Republicans drew a map with the explicit intent of securing "partisan advantage.""I think electing Republicans is better than electing Democrats," explained David Lewis, a Republican member of the General Assembly's redistricting committee. "So I drew this map to help foster what I think is better for the country."North Carolina Republicans' plan was successful: They won ten out of 13 districts in 2016 despite winning just 53 percent of the statewide vote. They were then forced to appeal to the Supreme Court to defend their map after a three-judge panel in a North Carolina district court ruled it unconstitutional in August.While the Supreme Court has never intervened in a partisan gerrymandering case, courts in five states have have struck down congressional maps as overly partisan, and voters in Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, Missouri, and Utah voted last year to limit state lawmakers' autonomy in drawing congressional maps.
President Trump calls out critics for 'presidential harassment' Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:49 PM PDT Media, Democrats react to special counsel Robert Mueller's upcoming congressional testimony.
Dozens of drivers get stuck in mud after Google reroutes them down dirt road Posted: 27 Jun 2019 06:03 AM PDT Dozens of cars got stuck in mud after being rerouted by Google Maps to an obscure road near Denver International Airport. After a car crash caused long traffic wait, Google's GPS app rerouted some drivers to East 64th Avenue in Aurora. This new route was supposed to take half the time. The first few minutes on the road were fine, but then, 64th Avenue turned into a dirt road. After a few days of rain, the road had become mud. When Connie Monsees, who was going to pick up her husband at the airport, saw dozens of cars stuck one after the other, not able to move, it was already too late. the road is narrow, so there was no turning back. "That's when I thought, this was a bad idea," Monsees told ABC7NY. She has all-wheel drive, so she was one of the lucky ones able to make it out the mud. She took with her two people who asked for a ride."I tore up the inside passenger wheel well for my tire, but it's not that big of a deal compared to some other people who really tore their cars up and got themselves stuck out there," she said.According to ABC7NY, the road is privately-owned and maintained. Following the incident, the road was closed to the public.It's unclear why the GPS redirected the cars on that road.
Stunning giant squid captured on video in US waters for first time Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:26 AM PDT The video, which lasts less than 30 seconds and was taken about 100 miles southeast of New Orleans, shows a giant squid in U.S. waters.
As president, Biden wants more 'civility.' His rivals want more power. Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:00 AM PDT Democrats want to accomplish some very big things in 2021. Extending Medicare to every American. Mobilizing the entire U.S. economy to combat the existential threat of global warming. Creating a pathway to citizenship for 12 million undocumented immigrants. The list goes on.
Report: China fighters buzz Canada warship in East China Sea Posted: 27 Jun 2019 06:00 AM PDT A report says two Chinese fighter jets buzzed a Canadian warship operating in international waters in the East China Sea at a time of heightened tension between Beijing and Ottawa. Canadian Global Affairs Institute fellow Matthew Fisher wrote that the Su-30 fighters flew within 300 meters (980 feet) of the bow of the frigate HMCS Regina. Fisher, who was aboard the ship, said the display was more aggressive than previous encounters between the Canadian navy and Chinese warplanes, but was not considered dangerous.
Cory Booker's peeved reaction to Beto speaking Spanish at the debate is an instant meme Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:29 PM PDT Ever felt threatened by someone else's fancy language skills?New Jersey Senator Cory Booker seemed to feel just that during the Democratic Debate on Wednesday night, when rival candidate Beto O'Rourke flexed his Spanish skills first.When Beto was asked if he would support a higher tax rate for top earners, he responded by stating that the economy needed to "work for everyone." Beto then switched mid-answer to Spanish, and Booker was caught glaring in his wake.Booker, of course, can also speak Spanish. He made his pitch to voters when he called into Univision's Despierta America when he announced his candidacy back in February.> "Voy a trabajar duro con la comunidad latina", dice en español a Univision @corybooker, ahora precandidato democrata a la presidencia 2020.> > -- Univision Noticias (@UniNoticias) February 1, 2019SEE ALSO: Miami bakes in unusual heat before Democratic debates kick offHe also dropped an answer in Spanish later in the debate. But Beto got there first. It's like someone stealing your song at karaoke or wearing the same outfit as you. Booker's raw irritation with Beto's Spanish skills did not go unnoticed.> ... cory. booker's. face.demdebate> > -- fake nick ramsey (@nick_ramsey) June 27, 2019> It's been like 10 minutes and I am still thinking about Beto speaking Spanish and Cory Booker's face.> > -- Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) June 27, 2019> cory booker made that crazy face bc beto spoke spanish first. oh my god> > -- hunter harris (@hunteryharris) June 27, 2019> When your friend comes back from study abroad DemDebate> > -- Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) June 27, 2019> the look on cory booker's face when beto tried to flex his spanish literally sent me up out of my chair. i just did a lap around the room> > -- sloane (sipihkopiyesis) (@cottoncandaddy) June 27, 2019> Hey Beto, I use Duolingo too!!> > -- Susan Orlean (@susanorlean) June 27, 2019 WATCH: Connection found between political affiliation, belief in 'Handmaid's Tale' plausibility, survey shows
Conservative U.S. Justice Gorsuch again sides with liberals in criminal case Posted: 27 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT The court ruled that the right of Andre Haymond to face a jury trial under the U.S. Constitution's Sixth Amendment was violated when a judge unilaterally imposed an additional prison sentence after Haymond violated the terms of his supervised release. Haymond originally was sentenced to just over three years in prison and 10 years of supervised release after being convicted by a jury in 2010 of possessing pornographic images involving children. After completing his sentence, Haymond was found in 2015 in possession of 59 additional images.
Jacob Wohl Says He’ll Enlist if Trump Attacks Iran Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:40 PM PDT Joshua Roberts/ReutersEnergetic but ineffectual young conservative operative Jacob Wohl is all-in on the prospect of war with Iran. Wohl is so into the idea, he told Right Richter that he'll enlist in the military if the United States goes to war. "If we go to war with Iran, I will enlist within 10 days," Wohl said in an Instagram direct message. Wohl says he'll consider the United States at war with Iran if Congress authorizes the war or Trump uses a previous military authorization to attack. As for what branch he'll join, Wohl says "probably the Army." Wohl's hypothetical future platoon-mates might want to be aware that Wohl has a reputation for failing spectacularly. Last year, he teamed up with lobbyist Jack Burkman to smear Special Counsel Robert Mueller with a sexual assault allegation that completely collapsed when the alleged victim failed to show, then accused Wohl of making it all up. In April, The Daily Beast caught Wohl and Burkman trying to manufacture a similar allegation against Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg. Any military recruiters, meanwhile, might be interested in Wohl's history of faking death threats against himself, then reporting the bogus threats to law enforcement. In March, Wohl was caught faking threats with a dummy Twitter account during a trip to Minneapolis.Wohl's support for war with Iran puts him out of step with many of his fellow provocateurs in the pro-Trump "New Right," many of whom have claimed Trump is being led by his advisers into war. Conservative personality and brain pill entrepreneur Mike Cernovich and One American News reporter Jack Posobiec, for example, have criticized the push for war with Iran. While Wohl claims he's ready to go to war, he's been now with various 2020 plans. After telling Right Richter about his promise to enlist, Wohl pivoted to bragging about his new plan: getting dirt on Joe Biden. Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
Google now lets you set a timer to auto-delete mobile location history and activity data Posted: 27 Jun 2019 07:58 AM PDT In its latest attempt to give control back to users, Google started rolling out auto-delete controls for location history and activity data on iOS and Android devices this week. Google first announced this tool in a blog post back in May, but now you can try it out for yourself and set a timer to delete sensitive information automatically.It isn't quite as robust a tool as some of the privacy controls that Google has introduced in recent years, but a little more control is better than none at all. If you head to the activity controls hub on Google's website, you can tap the blue "Manage Activity" button below "Web & App Activity" as well as "Location History" to find a new option labeled "Choose to delete automatically." Tap on that, and you'll be given the choice to either keep data until you delete it manually, or keep it for either 3 or 18 months before it automatically deletes.While the auto-delete controls aren't as full-featured as some users might prefer them to be, having the ability to set a timer and not worry about whether or not your location history and web activity data is going to be floating around the internet forever is a welcome addition. You already have the ability to turn off Google's tracking altogether or delete the data manually, but choice is important when it comes to privacy. auto-delete controls are available on my iPhone as of today, but if you don't see the setting yet, don't worry. The controls have just begun rolling out globally this week, so it might take a few days to appear.
Did India Just Make China's New Stealth Fighters Obsolete? Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:35 AM PDT As radar-guided missiles from fighters and ground-based launchers threaten aircraft from dozens, or even hundreds of miles away, stealth capabilities are increasingly perceived as necessary for keeping fighter pilots alive on the modern battlefield.In January 2011, the maiden flight of a large, dagger-like grey jet announced that China had developed its first stealth aircraft—the Chengdu J-20 "Mighty Dragon." Six years later, after several substantial revisions, J-20s entered operational service with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force.(This first appeared several months ago.)As radar-guided missiles from fighters and ground-based launchers threaten aircraft from dozens, or even hundreds of miles away, stealth capabilities are increasingly perceived as necessary for keeping fighter pilots alive on the modern battlefield.But just how good is the J-20? And what is its intended role? After all, America's first stealth fighter, the F-117 Nighthawk, was not even really a fighter and lacked any air-to-air capability whatsoever.The PLA has, true to custom, kept its cards close to the chest, and has not shared performance specifications to the public. Thus, there are broad estimates of the J-20's top speed (around Mach 2), and considerable-seeming range (1,200 to 2,000 miles), but those remain just that—estimates. For years, analysts even over-estimated the aircraft's length by two meters. It's broad but relatively shallow weapons bay can accommodate four to six long-range missiles or bombs, though not munitions with especially heavy warheads.International observers generally concluded the large twin-engine jet possessed high speed and long operational range, but that the Mighty Dragon lacked the maneuverability necessary to prevail in close engagements with enemy fighters. Relatively modest aerobatic displays in the Zhuhai 2016 and 2018 airshows (you can see some of the latter here) reinforced the narrative in certain quarters that the J-20 isn't optimized for gut-wrenching air combat maneuvers.Given the above premises, observers mostly speculate the J-20 would either serve as long-range supersonic strike plane, or a hit-and-run interceptor used to slip past fighter screens and take out vulnerable supporting tanker and AWACS planes.However, Rick Joe of The Diplomat argues these theories of the J-20's supposedly specialized role might be a case of group-think, ignoring both design features and statements by Chinese sources suggesting the J-20 was intended as a multi-role fighter with "competitive" dogfighting capability.
Duane Chapman speaks out following wife Beth's death: 'I loved her so much' Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:55 AM PDT "Dog the Bounty Hunter" star Duane Chapman gave his first televised interview Wednesday after his wife, Beth, died at 51.
Mika Brzezinski on Trump’s attacks: ‘It has gotten scary’ Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:30 AM PDT It's disgusting. It's wrong, and it's not what we know.'" "There's Republicans and Democrats — and then there's Trump, which is a whole different ball game. "You know, there were days that I said things that were shrill. I said things that were — I used inappropriate language.
New software glitch found in Boeing's troubled 737 Max jet Posted: 26 Jun 2019 06:28 PM PDT A new software problem has been found in the troubled Boeing 737 Max that could push the plane's nose down automatically, and fixing the flaw is almost certain to further delay the plane's return to flying after two deadly crashes. Boeing said Wednesday that the FAA "identified an additional requirement" for software changes that the aircraft manufacturer has been working on for eight months, since shortly after the first crash. "Boeing agrees with the FAA's decision and request, and is working on the required software to address the FAA's request," Boeing said in a statement.
Venezuela government says thwarted attempted 'coup' Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:36 PM PDT Venezuela's socialist government said Wednesday it has derailed an attempted coup, claiming the United States, Colombia and Chile colluded in a plot by officers to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro and install a general in his place, a minister said. Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez said the plan involved both active and retired army officers and was to have been executed between Sunday and Monday this past weekend.
The Truth Behind the BMW 7-Series' Ridiculously Massive Grille Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:00 PM PDT Robert Wadlow could've told you that bigger is not always better, but this BMW sedan's grille begs to differ.
Every Recipes You Need For The Best Fourth Of July Menu Ever Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:00 PM PDT |
2 Employees, Gunman Dead After Shooting at California Car Dealership Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:20 AM PDT A man who had just been fired from a Northern California Ford dealership shot and killed two employees and then killed himself Tuesday evening, police and witnesses said.
Iran warns U.S. of stronger reaction if its borders violated again: Tasnim Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:58 PM PDT Iran warned the United States against violating its borders, with parliament speaker Ali Larijani threatening a stronger reaction, the Tasnim news agency said on Thursday, a week after Tehran shot down a U.S. drone, spiking tension between them. "The downing of their drone was a good experience for them to avoid any aggression against our borders," the semi-official agency quoted Larijani as saying late on Wednesday. Iran said the unmanned U.S. aircraft was in its air space, which Washington denied.
Oppo’s new messaging app doesn’t need Wi-Fi or even cellular service to send and receive messages Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT In addition to showing off the world's first phone with a camera under the screen at MWC 2019 Shanghai, Oppo unveiled an unexpected smartphone feature, especially for a smartphone maker from China. It's called MeshTalk, and as the name hints, it lets you connect to other phones around you. There's no need for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular service to get the job done, and it works over distances of up to 3km (1.86 miles).The nifty new technology could help you communicate with others in all sorts of instances where regular service isn't available. MeshTalk isn't a new concept, as chat apps exist that deliver the same type of chat experience. There are even devices that let you talk and text on any smartphone without Wi-Fi or a cellular connection. However, Oppo's app will be built right into its Android devices, which means you'd have access to mesh communication right out of the box -- and that includes text, voice messages, and regular voice calls."At times, we encounter extreme situations when there is no network coverage at all -- for example, when you just arrive at an airport in a foreign country or when you take an off-road trip or attend a concert, football match, or exhibition," Oppo said in a press release (via VentureBeat). "[This] technology offers a solution to such scenarios in which other network connections are unavailable."MeshTalk could be useful during natural disasters or to connect people living in remote places, sure. But you might also want to use this particular type of technology is when an oppressive regime turns off access to the internet during episodes of public unrest. Or where a government tries to forcefully shut down an encrypted app that's used by demonstrators -- it happened in Hong Kong with Telegram just last week.And that's why it's surprising to see a Chinese smartphone maker unveil this particular type of chat app, which might not be in the best interest of the Chinese government. That said, it's unclear how secure this MeshTalk app is compared to end-to-end encrypted services that require internet access, like Telegram, or how well it protects the user's privacy.
NBC hot mic mars first Democratic debate Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:38 PM PDT A persistent technical issue forced NBC's moderators to take an unscheduled commercial break during the first Democratic presidential debate on Wednesday night.
Michigan AG sues to shut down oil pipeline in Great Lakes Posted: 27 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT Michigan's attorney general sued Thursday to shut down twin 66-year-old oil pipelines in the Great Lakes, saying they pose an "unacceptable risk" and the state cannot wait five to 10 years for Enbridge Inc. to build a tunnel to house replacement pipes running through the Straits of Mackinac. Democrat Dana Nessel's move came the same day she also sought to dismiss the Canadian company's request for a ruling on the legality of a deal it struck last year with former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to encase a new segment of its Line 5 in the proposed tunnel. "I have consistently stated that Enbridge's pipelines in the Straits need to be shut down as soon as possible because they present an unacceptable risk to the Great Lakes," Nessel said.
Hong Kong protesters urge G20 to raise plight with China Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:46 PM PDT Hong Kong protesters marched to major consulates on Wednesday in a call for G20 nations to confront fellow member China over sliding freedoms in the financial hub, at a weekend summit in Japan. The semi-autonomous city has been shaken by huge demonstrations this month, with protesters demanding the withdrawal of a bill that would allow extraditions to the Chinese mainland. The massive rallies are the latest manifestation of growing fears that China is stamping down on the city's unique freedoms and culture.
Real, Unrestored, And Rare 1967 Ford Mustang GTA Posted: 27 Jun 2019 02:06 PM PDT It's a one-of-one optioned vehicle to boot. You read that right. This is a one-of-one 1967 Ford Mustang GTA convertible with the Marti report to back it up. It's a super rare find and is currently for sale through Shelton Classics in North Carolina for $34,995. Although most of the first-gen Mustangs featured most of the same design elements, each year received some slight upgrades. The 1967 model is undoubtedly the first year that these changes really became apparent and made the muscle car look even meaner. This rare 1967 Mustang convertible is a factory GTA Fastback with a one-of-one options list. To put it simply, there is no other Mustang GTA 'vert produced with the same colors or options as this car. It also doesn't hurt that this beauty has a stunning Candy Apple Red exterior paint job.It's quite shocking to say that this Mustang has never been restored. It has, however, received a shiny repainting and new convertible top thanks to the natural aging process. Though, other than that, this GTA is larely in original condition. There's just a completely different feeling behind the wheel of an original, untouched car than that of a resto one. Sometimes it's better to be maintained than battered and brought to life.The exterior of this '67 Mustang is clean and straight, with no obvious damage or questionable repairs. All of the sheet metal appears to be original as well, which eliminates the uncertainty of any poorly performed bodywork. It's quite difficult to find a Ford Mustang that is this solid with all the original metal in place, especially a convertible that still has its original floorpans.You're going to want to take the top off this beauty and show off that stunning red vinyl cabin. The cockpit appears to be all original, apart from the replacement carpet. The bucket seats, along with the rest of the interior, are in excellent condition – especially for an unrestored model.This 1967 Mustang GTA still contains what is believed to be all of its original drivetrain, including Ford's high-performance 289 cubic-inch V8 engine mated to a 3-speed automatic transmission. For those who were wondering, that's where the "A" in GTA comes from. The car runs just as it should without any smoke, hesitation, or unwelcoming noises.If you take into account its overall originality in conjunction with the impressive Marti report, this Mustang GTA is a valuable collector's item. Turn the key and you'll see just how incredible this unmodified Stang really is. Add it to your garage today! Read more... 1967 Ford Mustang GTA Fastback Restomod 1967 Mustang 'Barn Find' Needs A Visionary
Working-class Mexicans don’t want Central American immigrants, either. Here's why. Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:12 AM PDT Before you call them hypocrites, there's a good reason why poverty-stricken Mexicans don't want Central Americans in their country.
NATO weighs options to deter new Russian missile threat Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:32 AM PDT NATO defense ministers considered on Wednesday how to deter Russia from launching a missile attack at short notice on Europe if a landmark treaty against land-based nuclear warheads collapses next month. Barring a last-minute reversal by Russia that NATO does not expect, the United States is set to pull out of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) on Aug. 2 citing Russia's development of a missile that breaks the accord.
Is There a 5G Cellular Network Near You? Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:44 PM PDT The age of 5G network service is finally here. Sprint and Verizon—two of the country's four biggest wireless carriers—have officially turned on their (admittedly very small) 5G networks for consu...
The 2019 Mercedes-AMG E53 Sedan Is a Gem of a Sporty Four-Door Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:00 AM PDT Mercedes's high-tech inline-six invigorates the E-class sedan's refined character.
AP FACT CHECK: Claims from the 1st Democratic debate Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:41 AM PDT Ten Democrats seeking the presidency tussled on a Miami stage Wednesday night in the opening debate of the 2020 campaign, with 10 more on tap Thursday.
Feds: Rep. Duncan Hunter paid for affairs with campaign cash Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:04 PM PDT U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California illegally used campaign money to finance romantic flings with lobbyists and congressional aides, spending thousands of dollars on meals, cocktails and vacations, federal prosecutors say. A government court filing late Monday detailed allegations about the married Republican congressman's affairs with five women following an indictment last year charging Hunter and his wife with misspending more than $200,000 in campaign funds on trips and other personal expenses. Margaret Hunter, who served as the six-term congressman's campaign chairwoman, pleaded guilty this month to one count of corruption and agreed to testify against her husband.
Republicans demand Trump face rape investigation Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:22 PM PDT Two Republican senators have split from their colleagues in calling for Donald Trump's alleged rape of the author E. Jean Carroll to be investigated. Carrol, an advice columnist for Elle magazine, claims in an upcoming book about "hideous men" in her life that the US president forced himself on her in a changing room at New York's Bergdorf Goodman department store in 1995 or 1996. She describes a "colossal struggle" in which Mr Trump entered her "halfway – or completely, I'm not certain".Mr Trump insisted the incident "never happened" and that Carrol was "not my type"; a defence he has used against previous sexual assault allegations. Republican senator Mitt Romney called for an "evaluation" into the claims, though he failed to make clear who should conduct it. "Whether it's Congress or whether it's another setting, I'm not sure," he told CNN on Wednesday. "It's a very serious allegation. I hope that it is fully evaluated. The president said it didn't happen and I certainly hope that's the case."Joni Ernst, a Republican colleague of Mr Romney's said Carrol was right to come forward with the allegation. "But obviously, there has to be some additional information. They need to interview her. They need to visit with him" she told CNN.Many other Republicans, however, dismissed the allegation or claimed they were not even aware of it. "He's denied it, and that's enough for me. Until somebody comes up with something new," said Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator and one of Mr Trump's closest allies in Congress. Despite press coverage in print and on the airwaves, senator Marco Rubio told a reporter they were asking him "about a story that I've never even read". During the 2016 presidential campaign, more than a dozen women accused Mr Trump of sexual misconduct in earlier years. Mr Trump has denied the allegations and said the women are lying.Carroll told CNN: "With all the 16 women who have come forward, it's the same – he denies it, he turns it around, he attacks, and he threatens. Then everybody forgets it, and then the next woman comes along. And I am sick of it. We have to change this culture of sexual violence."
Teens lured men online for dates only to rob and shoot them, California police say Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:39 AM PDT Solano County police said the three teens, including Amit Chhoker and Branden Lerma, shot and robbed one date as soon as things "got romantic."
This $20 stainless steel Apple Watch band looks just like Apple’s $350 Link Bracelet Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:07 AM PDT Apple's $350 Link Bracelet for the Apple Watch is gorgeous but, umm, it costs $350. You can get a brand new Apple Watch for less than that! If you want a steel bracelet with a look that's almost identical for far less money, the Surace Stainless Steel Link Bracelet Replacement for Apple Watch is just what the doctor ordered. There are two different sizes, one that fits every 38mm or 40mm Apple Watch and another that fits any 42mm or 44mm model. Definitely check it out!Here are the highlights from the product page: * Refined buffing and brushed metal surface process gives the silver stainless steel its distinctive finish, chain all blend into one harmonious whole, noble, luxurious yet understated. * Crafted from anodized 304L stainless steel, provides smooth touch feeling, wear-resisting, high hardness, anti-rust. * Butterfly buckle folds neatly within the strap, with simple dual side release button, easy to close and open, safely keep the band on your wrist. * Up to 10 links can be removed, add and remove links with removal pin included in the package, fits 5.67-7.87inches (144-200 mm) wrists. * 18 month conditionally refund or resend with any quality problems, life-time friendly customer service.