
Yahoo! News: Education News


Yahoo! News: Education News

51% of Americans are siding with the FBI in the case against Apple

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 03:35 PM PST

The reaction to Apple refusing to unlock the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters appears to have been overwhelmingly supportive , but a new poll from Pew Research Center shows that not all Americans are siding with Apple. Speaking with 1,002 individuals from February 18th to February 21st, Pew found that 51% of those surveyed believed that Apple should assist the FBI in unlocking the phone, while 38% disagreed and 11% didn't know which side to take. DON'T MISS:  FBI director fires back, argues that iPhone hack demand is 'about the victims and justice' What's most interesting about the survey is that the FBI won is nearly every category, from age range to college education to

Illinois governor eyes blocking Chicago school debt

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 02:41 PM PST

Republican Bruce Rauner smiles after winning the midterm elections in Chicago, IllinoisBy Karen Pierog CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said on Monday the state has the power to block any debt offerings by financially distressed school districts, including the cash-strapped Chicago Public Schools (CPS), which has been dependent on borrowing to fund operations. The Republican governor last week launched a financial probe of the nation's third-largest public school system through the Illinois State Board of Education. Rauner, who has called for a state takeover of the school district, said the board has the legal authority to block borrowings by districts found to be in financial duress.

Why the Roots of Police Violence Lead Back to Segregated Schools

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 02:36 PM PST

Why the Roots of Police Violence Lead Back to Segregated SchoolsIntegrated public schools have long been touted as a key to boosting the achievement of disadvantaged students. According to How Racially Diverse Schools and Classrooms Can Benefit All Students, a report released this month by The Century Foundation, whites and minorities learning together in classrooms could help solve problems ranging from the black-white achievement gap to police using excessive force against African Americans. "The advocates of racially integrated schools understand that much of the recent racial tension and unrest in this nation—from Ferguson to Baltimore to Staten Island—may well have been avoided if more children had attended schools that taught them to address implicit biases related to racial, ethnic, and cultural differences," wrote the report's authors.

Statehouses fighting transgender choice in school facilities

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 11:25 AM PST

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — In clashes over which restrooms and locker rooms transgender students should use, the U.S. Department of Education has warned public schools that a 1970s sex discrimination law makes it illegal to deny them access to the facilities of their choice.

Weigh When to Enroll in College Courses Instead of AP, IB

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 06:00 AM PST

Dual enrollment is an increasingly popular option for college-bound high school students. In its simplest form, dual enrollment allows a student to enroll in college courses and earn college credit while still in high school. Here are three times when dual enrollment may be a better option than other programs that award college credit, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate.

Delhi faces water crisis as deadly protests hit key source

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 05:24 AM PST

After winning back control of a canal that supplies much of Delhi's water, security forces stand guardMuch of New Delhi's water supply was cut off Monday after members of an influential Indian caste sabotaged a canal as part of protests seeking preferential treatment that have killed at least 19 people. A representative of the Jat caste said they had called off their week-long protests which saw thousands of troops deployed in Haryana, after the government of the northern state accepted their demands. India sent troops to secure the canal in Haryana after Jat protesters -- demanding a quota for their caste in public service jobs and higher education -- seized it on Saturday and diverted the water flow away from the capital.
