
Yahoo! News: Education News


Yahoo! News: Education News

Billionaire Steve Cohen eyes college graduates for his firm

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 02:16 PM PST

Hedge fund manager Cohen, founder and chairman of SAC Capital Advisors, responds to a question during an interview at the SALT Conference in Las VegasBOSTON (Reuters) - Billionaire Steven A. Cohen, who oversees only his personal fortune after decades of running one of the world's biggest hedge funds, wants to recruit newly minted college graduates into his army of hundreds of investment professionals.

Wyoming House approves bill allowing guns in schools

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 12:38 PM PST

Legislation that would allow people with concealed-gun permits to carry firearms into public schools and government meetings won easy approval from the Wyoming House of Representatives on Monday after a debate over rising gun violence in U.S. schools. The bill, supported by leaders of the Republican-led House, would repeal "gun-free zones" carved out around elementary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities. Passed on a 42-17 vote, the measure also would grant concealed-carry permit holders the right to take their guns into meetings of the state Legislature and local government meetings. The bill must clear the Republican-controlled state Senate before it can be submitted to Governor Matt Mead, also a Republican, for his signature or veto.

Pistorius stripped of degree by Scottish university

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 12:25 PM PST

Paralympic Oscar Pistorius in Pretoria, South Africa on September 12, 2014Jailed Paralympian Oscar Pistorius has been stripped of an honorary degree awarded to him by Strathclyde University in 2012, the Scottish institution announced on Monday. "We have revoked the honorary degree awarded to Oscar Pistorius following his conviction for culpable homicide," said a spokesman from the university. Pistorius, 28, was jailed for five years by a Pretoria court last October after being found guilty of culpable homicide over the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Athletics - Pistorius stripped of degree by Scottish university

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 09:18 AM PST

Athletics - Pistorius stripped of degree by Scottish university- Jailed Paralympian Oscar Pistorius has been stripped of an honorary degree awarded to him by Strathclyde University in 2012, the Scottish institution announced on Monday. "We have revoked the honorary degree awarded to Oscar Pistorius following his conviction for culpable homicide," said a spokesman from the university. Pistorius, 28, was jailed for five years by a Pretoria court last October after being found guilty of culpable homicide over the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Pursue Law Schools That Value Diversity

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 06:30 AM PST

When Robert Grey attended law school at Washington and Lee University, connecting with his classmates was not easy. "I was the fourth person of color to graduate from the school in 1976," says Grey, who is African-American and now the president of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity. During the 1975-1976 school year, for example, 7.8 percent of students were minorities at schools approved by the American Bar Association. While that percentage has more than tripled, some minorities have yet to be strongly represented in 15 of the top law schools, according to a December report from the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education.

4 Reasons High Schoolers Should Build Strong Teacher Relationships

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 06:00 AM PST

The average high school teacher plays an ambiguous role the lives of their students. To help with college letters of recommendation: The term faint praise is a horror for many college-bound high school students. This sort of reference is the absolute bare minimum for any college-bound senior and it is also a minimum that tens of thousands of other students will meet. A strong letter of recommendation, on the other hand, draws on personal details and describes how you are more than the sum of your grades and test scores.

Some British universities warn Labour over tuition fees cuts

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 01:19 AM PST

Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband smiles as launches his party's 2015 election campaign in SalfordTwenty British university bosses warned the opposition Labour Party on Monday that it should not cut student tuition fees if it wins the May 7 election. In a letter to The Times newspaper, vice chancellors from English universities including Exeter and Bristol, said a possible Labour plan to reduce tuition fees to 6,000 pounds from 9,000 pounds to would open up a 10 billion pound funding gap. "The result would be cuts to universities that would damage the economy, affect the quality of students' education, and set back work on widening access to higher education," the letter, signed by University of Surrey Vice-Chancellor Christopher Snowden said.

Pakistani teachers arming selves in wake of school massacre

Posted: 01 Feb 2015 10:40 PM PST

In this Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015 photo, a Pakistani teacher holds an weapon during a two-day training session by the police in Peshawar Pakistan. When Pakistani Taliban militants stormed a Peshawar school on Dec. 16, 2014 and massacred 150 children and teachers, nobody could fight back. Some teachers want to change that. Government authorities in Pakistan's northwest frontier have given permission for teachers to carry concealed firearms in response to the attack. But other provinces have not allowed teachers to be armed, and most education organizations say that's the right call. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — When Pakistani Taliban militants stormed a Peshawar school and massacred 150 children and teachers, nobody could fight back. Shabnam Tabinda and some of her fellow teachers want to change that — and are practicing how to shoot terrorists.

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