
Yahoo! News: Education News


Yahoo! News: Education News

New Maryland governor wants to close budget gap with spending cuts

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 01:38 PM PST

Maryland's newly installed Republican governor wants to slam the brakes on spending growth and rely on fund transfers to close a gaping budget hole without raising taxes. "I am extremely proud to introduce a structurally balanced budget that puts our state on sound financial footing," said Governor Larry Hogan in unveiling his budget proposal on Thursday. "But this is just a start." Maryland leaders have been racing to stop the bleeding in recent months by revising revenue projections and making spending cuts. In his final days in office, outgoing governor Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, helped enact a 2 percent reduction across state agencies along with spending cuts in personnel, higher education and mental health.

Bomb explodes near Turkish delegation in Somalia day before president's visit

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 08:36 AM PST

Somali government soldiers and AMISOM peacekeepers secure the scene of a suicide car explosion in front of the SYL hotel in MogadishuBy Abdi Sheikh and Feisal Omar MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A suicide car bomb exploded at the gate of a Mogadishu hotel where Turkish delegates were meeting on Thursday, a day before a visit by President Tayyip Erdogan to the Somali capital. At least two police officers were killed but none of the Turkish delegates were wounded in the attack, which was claimed by Islamist al Shabaab rebels, officials said. Erdogan, who was in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on the first leg of an African tour when the bomb went off, appeared unfazed and said that whoever carried out the attack was not acting in the name of Islam. "There has been a terrorist attack today in Somalia.

SLeone to reopen schools in March as Ebola retreats

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 06:13 AM PST

People stand on January 19, 2015 outside the Safia school in Conakry as students head back to school after nearly four months of school recess due to the Ebola outbreakSierra Leone said on Thursday it would reopen schools across the country in March, with the deadly Ebola epidemic slowing throughout west Africa. A statement from President Ernest Bai Koroma's office quoted him as saying "a timely reopening" was needed to limit the damage caused by the crisis to children's education. Government spokesman Abdulai Bayratay told AFP ministers would "shortly announce a specific date after all modalities have been put in place". The decision covers all state and private schools, although further education colleges and universities are to remain shut, Bayratay said.

4 Ways to Pick a Cost-Efficient Law School

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 06:00 AM PST

Law school enrollment continues to decline, according to a December report from the American Bar Association, but tuition and fees remain high at many institutions. While some schools have decreased or capped tuition to attract students, getting a J.D. is still expensive. At public schools the average was $23,214 for in-state students and $36,202 for out-of-state students. "It makes sense for aspiring law students to carefully examine the total costs of earning a law degree and the broad consequences of financing a legal education with borrowed money," wrote Heather Jarvis, a law school financial aid expert who graduated from the law school at Duke University, in an email.

Top Liberal Arts Colleges That Claim to Meet Full Financial Need

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 05:00 AM PST

Top-Ranked National Liberal Arts Colleges That Meet Full Financial Need

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