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Yahoo! News: Education News

Palestinians say truce reached with Israel to end deadly escalation

Posted: 06 May 2019 10:12 AM PDT

Palestinians say truce reached with Israel to end deadly escalationPalestinian leaders in Gaza agreed to a ceasefire with Israel on Monday to end a deadly two-day escalation in violence that threatened to widen into a fourth war between them since 2008. Egypt brokered the agreement to cease hostilities from 4:30 am (0130 GMT), an official from the strip's Islamist rulers Hamas and another from its allied group Islamic Jihad said on condition of anonymity.

All survive as plane carrying US military crashes into river

Posted: 04 May 2019 07:51 PM PDT

All survive as plane carrying US military crashes into riverJACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A military-chartered jet carrying 143 people landed hard, then bounced and swerved as the pilot struggled to control it amid thunder and lightning, ultimately skidding off the runway and coming to a crashing halt in a river at Naval Air Station Jacksonville.

Barr vs. Mueller: The attorney general fights his own battle with the special counsel as he stands up for Trump

Posted: 05 May 2019 01:49 PM PDT

Barr vs. Mueller: The attorney general fights his own battle with the special counsel as he stands up for TrumpPresident Donald Trump had complained that his previous attorney general didn't protect him. Attorney General William Barr did that this week.

Get your children vaccinated or face fine: German health minister

Posted: 05 May 2019 05:53 AM PDT

Get your children vaccinated or face fine: German health ministerGerman Health Minister Jens Spahn has drawn up draft legislation to oblige parents to get their children vaccinated against measles or else face fines and their exclusion from daycare. Spahn's initiative comes amid a highly charged debate in Germany about whether the measles vaccine should be obligatory, and as the number of cases of the once-eradicated disease in the United States hit the highest levels since 2000. "I want to eradicate measles," Spahn told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

Ex-Goldman Banker in Plea Talks Ahead of 1MDB Trial in New York

Posted: 06 May 2019 01:54 PM PDT

Ex-Goldman Banker in Plea Talks Ahead of 1MDB Trial in New York(Bloomberg) -- Former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker Roger Ng is in plea talks to avoid a U.S. trial on charges that he broke American anti-bribery laws and conspired to launder money embezzled from Malaysia's state investment fund 1MDB.

Venezuela: Russia urges US to abandon ‘irresponsible’ plan to topple Maduro

Posted: 05 May 2019 12:38 PM PDT

Venezuela: Russia urges US to abandon 'irresponsible' plan to topple MaduroSecretary of state meanwhile slammed Russian meddling in the country: 'We don't want anyone messing around with Venezuela'The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, right, and Venezuela's foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, give a press conference in Moscow on Sunday. Photograph: Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP/Getty ImagesWashington and Moscow traded barbs over Venezuela on Sunday, with Russia's foreign minister urging the United States to abandon its "irresponsible" plan to depose Nicolás Maduro and his US counterpart slamming Russian meddling in the South American country.Sergei Lavrov made the comments during a visit to Moscow by Venezuela's foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza – an apparent bid to stress international support for Maduro following last week's abortive uprising against him in Caracas."Attempts to stage a violent upheaval in Caracas have nothing to do with democratic process, and only disrupt any prospects of political settlement," Lavrov said, according to the Moscow-backed broadcaster RT.Any US attempt to topple Maduro through force would bring "grave consequences", Lavrov reportedly warned.Earlier, the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, urged Russia – which, alongside China, is one of Maduro's two key international backers – to stop interfering in Venezuela."We want [Venezuela] to be an autonomous, independent sovereign state, with democratic elected officials. This is what we desire for the Venezuelan people," Pompeo, who is due to meet Lavrov in Finland on Monday, told Fox News."We don't want anyone messing around with Venezuela."The exchange came after Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin held a 90-minute phone call on Friday, after which Trump claimed Putin was "not looking at all to get involved in Venezuela, other than he'd like to see something positive happen".Five days after Tuesday's dramatic pre-dawn attempt to remove Maduro, an uneasy calm has returned to the streets of Venezuela's capital.The only reminders of the failed revolt are stretches of scorched asphalt outside La Carlota airbase beside which it began and a handful of graffitied messages left by protesters on a nearby overpass. "Freedom! Freedom! No more bullets!" reads one.On Saturday, Venezuela's opposition held a series of anti-Maduro protests designed to maintain the pressure. But attendance was far short of the massive demonstrations held since Juan Guaidó – the man most western governments now recognize as Venezuela's legitimate interim president – launched his US-backed challenge to Maduro in January.Sol Castro, a retired university professor who attended one protest in west Caracas, said she feared the solution to Venezuela's crisis increasingly appeared to lie in foreign hands."[It feels like] we may be approaching an end … but [also] that we're only pawns in a larger game where superpowers, or former superpowers, or superpower wannabes will decide when and how this ends," Castro said.

Joe Biden Has to Do More Than Name-Drop Obama to Win Black Voters

Posted: 06 May 2019 02:06 AM PDT

Joe Biden Has to Do More Than Name-Drop Obama to Win Black VotersSean Rayford/GettyFormer Vice President Joe Biden's initial pitch to Democratic voters was aimed squarely at the Rust Belt working class, but on a weekend trip through South Carolina, the early frontrunner for the party's presidential nomination pivoted to courting black voters in the Palmetto State, highlighting his role in the Obama administration and warning of voting restrictions that hark back to the days of Jim Crow."Last year, 24 states introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to curtail the right the vote. And guess what—mostly directed at people of color," Biden told the crowd at a community center in Columbia, South Carolina on Saturday. "We have Jim Crow sneaking back in.""You know when everybody has an equal right to vote, guess what—they lose. They lose," Biden continued, referring to Republicans, whose victories in statewide elections in nearby Georgia and Florida last year sparked accusations of systematic voter suppression. "Folks, it's just absolutely wrong."By highlighting the importance of expanding voter access, as well as his long relationship with President Barack Obama—in his speech, Biden referred to Obama as "my buddy" and "my friend" multiple times before joking that "I shouldn't be so casual"—Biden pitched himself as a candidate with a broader coalition of supporters beyond the white working class. But the former vice president's history as an architect of the modern criminal justice system has activists and academics concerned that Biden hasn't sufficiently addressed the legacy of mass incarceration in marginalized communities.Biden, who served in the U.S. Senate for three decades, was a driving force behind the implementation of aggressive criminal justice policies in the 1980s and 1990s, culminating in the writing and passage of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which he himself dubbed the "1994 Biden Crime Bill" in 2015. Now, 25 years after the passage of this landmark bill, criminal justice advocates say the policy led to mass incarceration that disproportionately affected black communities and are calling on him to undo that legacy in order to win their support."He's in a precarious situation," said Dr. Keneshia Grant, a professor of political science at Howard University whose research focus is the political impact of black migration in the United States. "He absolutely has to be saying things like, 'people's attempts to disenfranchise you is like Jim Crow,' but that creates a difficult situation for him." "The '94 crime bill helped shape crime policy for almost the next 20 years," said Nicole D. Porter, director of advocacy at the Sentencing Project, a Washington-based nonprofit that seeks to address racial disparities in the criminal justice system. "It was adopted at a time when the approach to crime was very punitive—there was little resistance to adopting tougher penalties at the federal and at the state level, particularly in communities that were undergoing disinvestment."The legislation, signed into law by President Bill Clinton, was the largest crime bill in American history, and included a (since expired) ban on assault weapons, the Violence Against Women Act, and created guidelines for states to track sex offenders. But the bill included controversial provisions, including a so-called "three strikes" provision, the elimination of Pell Grants for incarcerated inmates, and provided nearly $10 billion for the construction of new prisons. The bill also increased incentives for states to sentence criminals to longer sentences, leading to an era of mass incarceration: More than 2 million Americans are currently imprisoned."It's not that he was swept up on the tough on crime—he drove the train. He was chair of the Judiciary Committee, he wrote a lot of these bills," Michael Collins, director of national affairs for Drug Policy Action, told The Daily Beast. "The 'War on Drugs' has always been a war on people of color—we knew that back in the 1990s, and it didn't stop Joe Biden then, and this is why we have this mass incarceration mess right now."Biden's legacy on criminal justice may complicate efforts to capitalize on high initial approval ratings among black voters, who make up more than half of registered Democrats in South Carolina."He's going to have to run a very issue-oriented campaign if he's going to win black voters in South Carolina. He can't just show up and say, I was Barack Obama's vice president, because that ain't going to work," former South Carolina state legislator Bakari Sellers, who has endorsed Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) for president, told The Daily Beast. "I find it ironic that Hillary [Clinton] got pure hell for the '94 crime bill when Joe Biden actually wrote the '94 crime bill," Sellers said. "He's going to have to answer those questions, and he's going to have to answer with policy points… He has to reconcile with his record, and he's not answering those questions now."Advocates were quick to point out that as the Democratic consensus on criminal justice has changed, so too have Biden's views—to a point."Biden has followed the politics on this issue," Porter said. "As vice president in 2010, he anchored a reform... to scale back the 100-to-one crack cocaine-to powder disparity."The former vice president has indicated that there are certain positions he has taken on crime that he now disavows. At the National Action Network's Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in January, Biden said that on criminal justice reform, "I know we haven't always gotten things right, but I've always tried," alluding to the crime bill as "a big mistake when it was made."But undoing the legacy of "tough-on-crime" legislation, criminal justice reform advocates said, requires more than an apology."A stopped clock can be right twice a day, but when you look at the totality of Biden's career, he has been one of the top cheerleaders in the War on Drugs," Collins said. "The only reason we're seeing any contrition here is because he's running for president—if he was retired, we wouldn't be seeing apologies or any of these explanations."If Biden is serious about mitigating his role in the modern carceral state, Sellers said, he'll begin detailing concrete policy proposals to "unravel some of the damage that he's done.""Moving forward, when he does talk about criminal justice, he's going to have to talk about it in ways that are first, apologetic, and two, super clear about policy proposals to mitigate the effects of his past positions," Grant echoed.To "account for the harm done in this country during the era of mass incarceration," Porter suggested the elimination of mandatory minimums across the board, redirecting resources to focus on crime prevention and helping people who exit the prison system successfully enter into society, and full sentencing parity in drug possession cases—as well as provisions making such changes retroactive."It would take 75 years for the country to get back to the incarceration rates of the early '80s" at current rates of release, Porter said, which means that undoing mass incarceration requires policies "as substantial and muscular as the politics that drove the punitive reforms in the '80s and '90s."The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment on the former vice president's views on such proposals by press time.There is historical precedent for a president undoing the damage caused by previous positions and policies, Grant said, citing the case of President Lyndon Johnson, who signed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act into law."Lyndon Johnson starts out as a legislator who is not particularly helpful in the civil rights movement," Grant noted. "Now when you think about him and think about his evolution on race, you can point to the Civil Rights Act to say, this is something he did to make up for his past or change his trajectory."Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast here

Gaza-Israel border falls quiet as ceasefire takes hold

Posted: 06 May 2019 06:59 AM PDT

Gaza-Israel border falls quiet as ceasefire takes holdThe latest round of hostilities erupted three days ago, peaking on Sunday when rockets and missiles from Hamas Islamist-run Gaza killed four civilians in Israel, local health officials said. Israeli strikes killed 21 Palestinians, over half of them civilians, at the weekend, Gaza health authorities said. Israel does not acknowledge ceasefire deals with Gaza militant groups, which it considers terrorist organizations.

Amid U.S. measles outbreak, who needs an additional dose of the vaccine?

Posted: 06 May 2019 08:25 AM PDT

Amid U.S. measles outbreak, who needs an additional dose of the vaccine?The United States is in the midst of its largest measles outbreak in 25 years, with the disease mainly hitting people who have failed to receive the recommended two doses of the live measles vaccine. While the vast majority of measles patients are unvaccinated children, up to 10 percent of patients in the current outbreak are adults who received at least one dose of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued recommendations on when adults may need to seek an additional dose of the MMR vaccine: WHICH ADULTS ARE CONSIDERED AT HIGH RISK?

9 Futuristic Airports Designed by Famous Architects

Posted: 06 May 2019 09:53 AM PDT

9 Futuristic Airports Designed by Famous Architects

Student who charged a campus gunman remembered as a hero

Posted: 05 May 2019 10:09 PM PDT

Student who charged a campus gunman remembered as a heroWAYNESVILLE, N.C. (AP) — Family, hundreds of friends and a military honor guard on Sunday remembered a North Carolina college student credited with saving classmates by rushing a gunman firing inside their lecture hall.

China Considers Canceling Trade Talks With U.S., WSJ Says

Posted: 05 May 2019 05:16 PM PDT

China Considers Canceling Trade Talks With U.S., WSJ SaysBeijing was surprised by U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to levy new tariffs on trade with the country, the Journal reported, citing a person it didn't identify. The move comes after Trump ramped up pressure on China to finalize a trade deal during upcoming talks by threatening to more than double tariffs on $200 billion of the Asian nation's sales to the world's largest economy, and impose new import taxes. Chinese President Xi Jinping's top trade envoy, Liu He, was slated to return to Washington on Wednesday for what was expected to be a closing round of trade talks.

AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile get sued for reportedly selling your location data

Posted: 06 May 2019 10:42 AM PDT

AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile get sued for reportedly selling your location dataAT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile are accused of selling customer's location data in a lawsuit.

At least 40 dead in Russian plane's fiery emergency landing

Posted: 05 May 2019 05:16 PM PDT

At least 40 dead in Russian plane's fiery emergency landingMOSCOW (AP) — A Russian airliner burst into flames while making an emergency landing at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport Sunday evening, and at least 40 people died, officials said.

U.S. deploying carrier, bombers to Middle East to deter Iran: Bolton

Posted: 05 May 2019 07:56 PM PDT

U.S. deploying carrier, bombers to Middle East to deter Iran: BoltonWith tensions already high between Washington and Tehran, a U.S. official said the deployment has been ordered "as a deterrence to what has been seen as potential preparations by Iranian forces and its proxies that may indicate possible attacks on U.S. forces in the region."However, the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States was not expecting any imminent Iranian attack. Bolton - who has spearheaded an increasingly hawkish U.S. policy on Iran - said the decision, which could exacerbate problems between the two countries, was meant to send a "clear and unmistakable message" of U.S. resolve to Tehran.

Watch Thailand's New King Being Carried Through the Capital in a Spectacular Procession

Posted: 05 May 2019 08:20 PM PDT

Watch Thailand's New King Being Carried Through the Capital in a Spectacular ProcessionThailand's newly crowned King Maha Vajiralongkorn made a spectacular public appearance in front of his countrymen Sunday, carried atop a golden palanquin by soldiers in ancient fighting uniforms in a procession through Bangkok's historic quarter.

Trump picks Obama-era Border Patrol head to lead ICE after several recent Fox News appearances

Posted: 05 May 2019 01:53 PM PDT

Trump picks Obama-era Border Patrol head to lead ICE after several recent Fox News appearancesPresident Trump tapped former Border Patrol chief under former President Barack Obama to run the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

9 Home Decor Sales We’re Excited About This Week

Posted: 06 May 2019 02:50 PM PDT

9 Home Decor Sales We're Excited About This WeekConsider us your personal shoppers

'The Good Doctor' star Hill Harper in Detroit to help boost your credit score

Posted: 06 May 2019 06:43 AM PDT

'The Good Doctor' star Hill Harper in Detroit to help boost your credit scoreExperian partners with actor and activist Hill Harper to promote new program to help those with limited credit histories improve their scores.

Russia says it won't ground Sukhoi plane despite fatal crash-landing

Posted: 06 May 2019 08:53 AM PDT

Russia says it won't ground Sukhoi plane despite fatal crash-landingThe crash-landing on Sunday is the latest serious setback for the plane, the first new passenger jet developed in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, and threatens to undermine confidence in an airliner Moscow touts as proof it can produce its own high quality civil passenger aircraft. In a blow to the Russian aviation industry, regional carrier Yamal Airlines, the country's second biggest operator of the Superjet after Aeroflot, said on Monday it was cancelling its planned purchase of 10 of the planes, the TASS news agency reported. Investigators have started trying to piece together why the Aeroflot jet, which had been flying from Moscow to the northern Russian city of Murmansk on Sunday, was forced to make an emergency landing and why that landing went so badly wrong.

Boeing didn't tell airlines that safety alert wasn't on

Posted: 05 May 2019 04:49 PM PDT

Boeing didn't tell airlines that safety alert wasn't onBoeing said Sunday that it discovered after airlines had been flying its 737 Max plane for several months that a safety alert in the cockpit was not working as intended, yet it didn't disclose that fact to airlines or federal regulators until after one of the planes crashed.

U.S. may review ties with countries deemed anti-Israel: envoy

Posted: 05 May 2019 09:44 AM PDT

U.S. may review ties with countries deemed anti-Israel: envoyU.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a March speech that anti-Zionism - opposition to Israel's existence as a homeland for the Jewish people - was a form of anti-Semitism, or hostility toward Jews, that was on the rise worldwide and that Washington would "fight it relentlessly". The State Department's special envoy for monitoring and combating anti-Semitism, Elan Carr, said this U.S. position could spell reviews of ties with foreign governments or leaders. "The United States is willing to review its relationship with any country, and certainly anti-Semitism on the part of a country with whom we have relations is a deep concern," he told Reuters during a visit to Israel.

Every Mid-Engined Sports Car—Including a Few You Might Afford!

Posted: 06 May 2019 05:14 AM PDT

Every Mid-Engined Sports Car—Including a Few You Might Afford!

Total to buy Anadarko's Africa assets if Occidental wins takeover fight

Posted: 06 May 2019 03:34 AM PDT

Total to buy Anadarko's Africa assets if Occidental wins takeover fightFrench energy giant Total said it has reached a deal with Occidental to acquire Anadarko Petroleum's oil and gas assets in Africa -- but only if the mid-sized US firm Occidental wins its fierce takeover battle for Anadarko with the much bigger Chevron. The move further bolsters Occidental's hostile takeover bid for Anadarko after American mega-investor Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway got involved last week, investing $10 billion in Occidental. Anadarko's board had already approved an offer from Chevron when Occidental unveiled a higher bid last month, kicking off a tug-of-war over the company's assets in the shale-rich Permian Basin in Texas.

The Latest: Harris says Barr representing Trump, not US

Posted: 05 May 2019 06:08 PM PDT

The Latest: Harris says Barr representing Trump, not USNORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — The Latest on the Democratic presidential campaign (all times local):

Reborn 2019 BMW Z4 Delivers Top-Down Thrills

Posted: 05 May 2019 03:05 AM PDT

Reborn 2019 BMW Z4 Delivers Top-Down ThrillsThe BMW Z4 returns after a brief hiatus, backed by the automaker's pledge that the reborn roadster has improved performance. The previous model that retired in 2016 was quick, efficient, and well...

BMW teases 8 Series Gran Coupe ahead of September debut

Posted: 06 May 2019 07:36 AM PDT

BMW teases 8 Series Gran Coupe ahead of September debutOn Friday, BMW teased an image of the latest model to join the 8 Series: the 8 Series Gran Coupe. Right now, BMW's 8 Series comprises the 8 Coupe and 8 Convertible, though the segment goes back to the early 1990s. On Friday, however, BMW tweeted a dark photograph of the next member of the 8 Series family shrouded in shadows: the 8 Series Gran Coupe.

Should President Trump be worried about Kim Jong Un's command to troops to be 'on alert?'

Posted: 06 May 2019 03:25 AM PDT

Should President Trump be worried about Kim Jong Un's command to troops to be 'on alert?'National security analyst Ryan Mauro weighs in on North Korea's recent test-firing of short-range projectiles.

This Means Trouble: Russia's Stealth Fighter Could Deliver Nuclear Weapons

Posted: 04 May 2019 06:00 PM PDT

This Means Trouble: Russia's Stealth Fighter Could Deliver Nuclear WeaponsCould this be true? Russia's Sukhoi Su-57 PAK-FA fifth-generation stealth fighter is listed in the Trump Administration's new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) as a developmental dual conventional and nuclear capable strike aircraft. If the NPR is correct, the Su-57 could potentially supplant the Su-34 Fullback bomber—which is Russia's current nuclear-capable strike aircraft—for intermediate range missions against heavily defended airspace.Indeed, the NPR contends that Russia is continuing to modernize its arsenal of non-strategic nuclear arsenal of roughly 2000 nuclear warheads.(This first appeared last year.)"Russia is modernizing an active stockpile of up to 2,000 non-strategic nuclear weapons, including those employable by ships, planes, and ground forces," the NPR reads. "These include air-to-surface missiles, short range ballistic missiles, gravity bombs, and depth charges for medium-range bombers, tactical bombers, and naval aviation, as well as anti-ship, anti-submarine, and anti-aircraft missiles and torpedoes for surface ships and submarines, a nuclear ground launched cruise missile in violation of the 1987 INF Treaty, and Moscow's antiballistic missile system."Recommended: How North Korea Could Start a War

The 2020 Polestar 2's Infotainment System in Photos

Posted: 06 May 2019 08:21 AM PDT

The 2020 Polestar 2's Infotainment System in Photos

Billionaire Warren Buffett gives new hint about his successor

Posted: 04 May 2019 10:15 PM PDT

Billionaire Warren Buffett gives new hint about his successorBillionaire Warren Buffett on Saturday gave a clue on who might succeed him to run his Berkshire Hathaway empire, but did not completely reveal his hand. The world's third-richest man also said at his company's annual shareholder meeting that its recent investment in Amazon was not a shift in strategy to focus on Silicon Valley firms, which have largely remained missing from Berkshire's voluminous portfolio. Without answering directly, Buffett said Gregory Able, 57, and Ajit Jain, 67 -- both promoted last year to the board of directors -- would in the near future join him and long-time business partner Charlie Munger, 95, on the stage to answer shareholder questions.

Libyan commander urges troops to press fight to take Tripoli

Posted: 06 May 2019 02:06 PM PDT

Libyan commander urges troops to press fight to take TripoliCAIRO (AP) — A Libyan army commander whose forces are advancing on Tripoli is rallying his fighters on in defiance of U.N. calls for a weeklong cease-fire to coincide with the start of the fasting month of Ramadan on Monday.

Trump's approval hits highest rating ever in Gallup poll

Posted: 06 May 2019 03:00 PM PDT

Trump's approval hits highest rating ever in Gallup pollUS President Donald Trump is enjoying the strongest polling of his presidency following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report and positive economic news, according to public opinion poll agency Gallup. Trump's job approval rating crept up one point to 46 percent for the two-week period ending April 30, a substantial rise from the 39 percent approval he recorded in early March. "In addition to the initial interpretation of the Mueller report, which Trump claimed vindicated him from charges that he had colluded with Russia, the economy has offered several reasons for Americans to look more favorably on Trump," Gallup said late Friday.

The first big Apple Watch Series 4 sale is still here with all-time low prices

Posted: 06 May 2019 06:20 AM PDT

The first big Apple Watch Series 4 sale is still here with all-time low pricesIf you've ever toyed with the idea of picking up a new Apple Watch Series 4 but you balked at the price, today is the day to revisit your decision. Amazon is running a huge sale that slashes the prices of half a dozen Apple Watch S4 models to all-time lows. The deal covers 40mm and 44mm sizes, and it covers both Space Gray and Silver Aluminum finishes as well. There are a few different bands to choose from too, so there truly is something for everyone in this big sale. There's no telling how much longer these discounted prices will last though, so grab one while you still can.Here's some additional info from the product page: * GPS * Over 30% larger display and 50% louder speaker * Electrical and optical heart sensors * Digital Crown with haptic feedback * 50% louder speaker * S4 SiP with faster 64-bit dual-core processor * Improved accelerometer and gyroscope for fall detection * Swimproof * watchOS 5 * Aluminum case

Ted Bundy's Is the World's Most Notorious Volkswagen Bug

Posted: 05 May 2019 03:00 AM PDT

Ted Bundy's Is the World's Most Notorious Volkswagen BugThe serial killer-played by Zac Efron in a new Netflix movie-used VWs in his murder spree.

This U.S. Ally Could Buy Russia's Su-57 Stealth Fighter and S-500 Air Defense System

Posted: 06 May 2019 12:40 AM PDT

This U.S. Ally Could Buy Russia's Su-57 Stealth Fighter and S-500 Air Defense SystemTurkey's plans to purchase the Russian S-400 missile system marked a major shift in Ankara's defense orientation, eliciting a sharp response from Washington. Nonetheless, the S-400 deal barely scratches the surface of the blooming Turkey-Russia defense relationship and the threat that it poses to NATO's military coherence.The Kremlin and Rosoboronexport-- Russia's state arms exporting agency—are seeking to capitalize on the political goodwill from the S-400 sale with several other high-profile contracts, including Russian jet fighters and next-generation missile defense system. When the US defense department suspended F-35 transfers to Ankara "pending an unequivocal Turkish decision to forego delivery of the S-400" early last month, Russian and western defense commentators speculated that Russia would pounce with a snap Su-35 offer. It now appears, however, that Moscow has its sights set on a bigger deal. In an interview given to Turkish state media, Rostec chief Sergei Chemezov suggested that Moscow is open to inking a Su-57 contract:  "These fifth-generation Russian fighter jets [the Su-57] have outstanding qualities, and show promise for export."

Cheeky kid flips off TV crew in the middle of live broadcast

Posted: 05 May 2019 07:17 PM PDT

Cheeky kid flips off TV crew in the middle of live broadcastIt's one of the perils of live TV: Someone out there is going to ruin the shot.Even in the quaint surrounds of Windsor in the UK, where a reporter for Australian show Sunrise was upstaged by a kid in a passing car on Sunday night.SEE ALSO: Kids hack dad's facial recognition lock in easiest way possibleWindsor Castle is one of the official residences for the British Royal Family, where the Queen usually spends her weekends -- and where reporter Edwina Bartholomew was covering the imminent arrival of the royal baby of Meghan and Harry, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. While the castle might be a place of good etiquette, don't expect that on the streets of Windsor, where you might be accosted by a kid who'll flip you off for fun."Speaking of bad parenting, what about that little kid who pulled up behind me before," Bartholomew said on Sunrise. "What a little rotter." While flipping off a live TV crew is admittedly pretty funny for the rest of us, unfortunately for the kid, the video evidence won't help him when his parents eventually find out.> Gee I hope that wasn't little Prince George on his way to visit his new cousin.... https://t.co/U0iY1cGigL> > -- Bianca Stone (@Bianca_Stone) May 5, 2019> Stay classy, Windsor royalbaby https://t.co/vAtKvA8iae> > -- Edwina Bartholomew (@edwina_b) May 5, 2019 WATCH: Burger King launches line of 'Unhappy Meals' in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month

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